You’re invited! Jesus Tribal Gathering in the Rocky Mountain Region – June 23 to 28, 2024!
Dear Rock Tribe & Friends,
You are invited to join us for this year’s “Jesus Tribal Gathering.” It starts with a BBQ at 5:00 pm Sunday, June 23th, and ends Friday evening, June 28th. The main gatherings will be held at the Rock Laramie “Big House” located at 402 Corthell Road in the beautiful town of Laramie, Wyoming. The Sunday afternoon BBQ party sets the stage for joy-fueled connections with new and old friends and powerful encounters with the Spirit of Jesus.
The Jesus Tribal Gathering is a week-long celebration that combines the heart of a family camp, family reunion, friendship building, powerful worship, training for life in God’s kingdom, outdoor wilderness adventures, creative children’s ministry, personal & prophetic ministry, God encounters, fun recreation, picnics, great food and more. This gathering is not just for the Rock Tribe but for the Body of Christ who wants to experience revival, the restoration of the Church as Family, and the transforming influence of Christ’s kingdom in cities, regions, and nations.
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we will gather in the mornings and evenings to worship and grow into Christ’s likeness. Lunches on these days will be provided and are part of the registration fee. Friday, around noon, we will have a special picnic with games in the local park.
Tuesday and Thursday, we will be guiding outdoor wilderness adventures like rock climbing, canoeing, day hiking, a more rigorous peak ascent up Medicine Bow mountain, fishing, outdoor art classes, or just relaxing by a mountain lake in the Snowy Range – a part of the larger Rocky Mountain Range. You will provide your own lunch and hydration for these two days of outdoor recreation.
registration is now available on site when you arrive
With God’s Love, Affection, Joy, and Peace,
The Jesus Tribal Gathering Admin Team