Prophetic Words

Prophetic Words for Rock Tribe International

Click on names below to listen:

Heidi Baker – audio

Cindy Jacobs – audio


 God is going to raise up through you, hundreds and hundreds of churches. There’s been someone that you have been allianced through and God is changing it and you are going to have your own network, so don’t be concerned about the change that has come because it is of Me. In fact, I rescued you from the hand of the evil one. That was very painful. But the Lord says today, I am doing surgery on you and taking out that pain, because I have called you to be a father of nations. And I see a whole youth movement, you are going to plant youth churches, GenX churches. I see God is going to send you out, there’s going to be churches just for that generation. They’re going to become halfway houses because they can’t stand to go to regular church. They are going to go to your churches. And the Lord says, even as I moved in the Power of the Holy Spirit in you in the original move of the Holy Spirit in Kansas…uh, oh I’ve got to use English here, help me Lord….I am going…this is one of the few times it’s been hard for me, I’m usually pretty good at this…but I am going to bring a move of the Holy Spirit and miracles and signs and wonders through you. Satan is attacking your physical body because there are going to be so many miracles. 24 hour watch of the Lord for miracles. You are going to pray for the terminally ill, those who have no hope. There is going to be anointing to raise the dead from this church. The Lord says, I am going to give you resurrection power! So you have been on Satan’s hit list. But the good news is he’s on your hit list and you have more authority and more anointing. …just pull out that fiery dart that happened to Tim when he was betrayed by that father in the gospel. Lord, we thank you, Father and Lord that you are going to use if for glory so he will never do that to a young leader.  And Father, I thank you, in Jesus name, it’s going to be quick, hundreds and hundreds of churches are going to come to you and say we want to align with you. You are not going to know what to do with it, but it’s not going to be paperwork it’s going to be covenant.

Transcription of Cindy Jacob’s prophesy – click to download